What is Yoga?

What is Yoga?

If the foundation is firm, the building can withstand disaster. The practice of Yoga is the foundation, so that the self is not shaken under any situations. 


Purpose of Yoga?

The purpose or goal of asana is to align and coordinate the physical body and all the layers, of the subtle emotional, mental, and spiritual body.

We think of intelligence as taking place exclusively in our brains, but yoga teaches us that awareness and intelligence must fill the body. Each part of the body literally has to be wash out by the intelligence. We must create a marriage between the awareness of the body and that of the mind.

When the two parties do not cooperate, it leads to a sense of fragmentation and "disease." For example, we should only eat when our mouth spontaneously salivates, as it is the body's intelligence telling us that we are truly hungry. If not, we are force-feeding ourselves and "disease" will surely follow.

 Asana can begin to teach us. We develop such an intense sensitivity that each pore of the skin acts as an inner eye.

We become sensitive to the interface between skin and flesh. In this way our awareness is diffused throughout the margin of our body and is able to sense whether in a particular asana our body is in alignment. We can adjust and balance the body gently from within with the help of these eyes.

This is different from seeing with our normal two eyes. Instead we are "sensing" the position of our body.


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